Thudarum is a heartwarming Malayalam family-comedy film directed by Tharun Moorthy. The story revolves around a taxi driver, played by the legendary Mohanlal, who navigates life, relationships, and the unique bond he shares with his beloved Ambassador car. The film promises a delightful blend of humor, emotions, and family drama.
Three witches tell the Scottish general Macbeth that he will be King of Scotland. Encouraged by his wife, Macbeth kills the king, becomes the new king, and kills more people out of paranoia. Civil war erupts to overthrow Macbeth, resulting in more death.
Now a widowed mother of two in her fifties, Bridget Jones feels lost in the world of app-based dating. However, romance unexpectedly sparks with her son’s science teacher… and a much younger man.
Being sensible can be excessively boring. At least Jack thinks so. While assuming the role of dutiful guardian in the country, he lets loose in town under a false identity. Meanwhile, his friend Algy takes on a similar facade. Unfortunately, living a double life has its drawbacks, especially when it comes to love. Hoping to impress two eligible ladies, the gentlemen find themselves caught in a web of lies they must carefully navigate.
Times listed are for doors opening, Event feature to start 20 minutes after.
Event is approximately 210 minutes including two intervals.
Prince Siegfried chances upon a flock of swans while out hunting. When one of the swans turns into a beautiful woman, Odette, he is enraptured. But she is under a spell that holds her captive, allowing her to regain her human form only at night. Von Rothbart, arbiter of Odette's curse, tricks the Prince into declaring his love for the identical Odile and thus breaking his vow to Odette. Doomed to remain a swan forever, Odette has but one way to break the sorcerer's spell.